About Me

My first class of seniors nicknamed me MathMilla, and it has stuck.

I'm a third-year teacher taking on two levels of Calculus this year.  I also teach two levels of Algebra, and have taught Geometry and Precalculus as well.  I love math and teaching, and my favorite moments are students telling me that they like math now!

This blog is my space to reflect on my teaching, remember my lessons from year to year, and grow.  I studied engineering (civil!) in undergrad, so I'm always ready to learn more about pedagogy.  I'm currently studying Technology Enhanced Learning, and I'll post often on technology that I use in the classroom.

In my spare time (?!) I coach track, grow gardens, craft and sew, cook, sing in my church's choir, and read.  I have heard that somewhere around 3 years in, teaching is suddenly much less all-life-consuming.  I hope that is the case.  I'll be sure to let you know!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, three years in is where I started to be more comfortable with teaching. It sounds like you are doing a great job so far!


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